24 December 2009

White Christmas Eve in Dallas With a Tamale Dinner

Above is a picture of our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. Pork tamales, guacamole, chili, queso, black bean corn salad and a Dos Equis. As far back as I can remember, we've always had tamales on Christmas Eve. Tonight's meal was delicioso in case you were wondering. We've got 2 inches of snow on the ground as well! That's a rarity for Texas. Merry Christmas Y'all!


  1. Anonymous12/24/2009

    Our tamales were good too. The tradition lives on! Can't believe you got snow...What fun!

  2. Oh that looks so good! We had snow here in Plainview!

    Today's lunch is brisket, potato salad and beans!

  3. Anonymous12/25/2009

    yeah tamales!

  4. You can't go wrong with brisket on any day!

  5. Merry Christmas! I'm loving the food pic-we have tamales every year too. At first I was mocking the widespread panic in the DFW area over the weather, but I quickly changed my tune after being stuck on 30 for over two hours on Christmas Eve, heading back from Dallas to Hurst. Hope you have a great holiday!

  6. Thanks Katie, we had a great Christmas. Yeah the roads were pretty bad on Christmas Eve....I guess it actually lived up to the hype this time.


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