08 March 2010

Frisco Art in the Square Festival

Jerry Brem's abstract painting and flies.

Gregory Arth's tree paintings

This last weekend I volunteered to work the first annual Art in the Square show in Frisco, Texas. I was able to meet some very talented artists and pick their brains about techniques and art shows. It was very informative for me. It rained all day Sunday which was not good....the turnout was pretty low. Saturday had beautiful weather and the crowds were pretty good. Here are some of my favorite artists that I met yesterday:

Chris Smith - Republic of Texas maps....so cool!
Lorie Leigh Lawrence - Great photographer - subject matter is right down my alley!
Anne Heinrichs - Mixed media - great backgrounds for her paintings!
Mary Fischer - Very nice clay pieces
Gregory Arth - Great tree paintings! Make sure and check out his circuit board artwork.
Jerry Brem - Super nice guy and very talented! His stuff is probably my favorite of the show. Join his fan page on Facebook!

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