16 February 2010

Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts - Update Part 3

Overall, I had a great Snow Day / Valentines Day / Presidents Day Weekend. I was actually able to get a few hours of painting in....so that was good. I also was able to finally see the movie Crazy Heart. It was great! I really enjoyed it. I mean how can you go wrong with Ryan Bingham, New Mexico landscape scenes, dive bars, Santa Fe, and a Marfa mention???? The soundtrack is great as well.

As far as the painting goes, I'm still in the process of laying down the base colors. All the detail work will come in after that.


  1. Dive bars really caught my attention. I had to check it out. I can't wait to see how your latest creation materializes.

  2. Anonymous2/19/2010

    I really enjoy your sign pieces. I've left you a little gift on my blog :)

  3. Great to watch this painting from start to finish. Looking forward to the next version.


I always like to hear what you think.....drop me a note!


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