22 June 2011

Moving The Headquarters

Double T mural

New Junky Trinkets Headquarters

I've taken a little break from the blog.....not because I wanted to, but because I had to.  We have been in the process of moving across town and I'm happy to say that we are all settled into our new home.  Above are a few pics from last week.  The first, is a photo of the Double T garage mural I did in my old house.  I hope to duplicate it in the new garage at some point.  My buddy Ryan and his wife Karin used my measurements earlier this year to put one in their garage too.  The second picture is of the new studio / office at our new house.  I have tons of boxes to go through and I'm going to be very selective as to what makes the final cut and gets displayed.  Luckily our new place has a humongous attic where I can store all of my trinkets.  I'm going to try and keep my new studio clean and crisp with an eclectic edge. We'll see.  I'll post pics as I move forward.

1 comment:

  1. new casa is nice, looking good even with the beautiful people statue


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